Dakini Female Deities Thangka When the completion stage practices have been mastered and we have gained control over our subtle energy winds and so forth, there will come a time when the dakinis will come. what are Dakinis? Simply where can see the females deities, who possess advanced experiences of tantric transformation and control and are therefore able to increase the blissful wisdom of a highly qualified practitioner are called Dakini. There is a certain point in the mastery of the completion stage when physically embracing such a consort is necessary for bringing all the pervading energy winds into the central channel, a prerequisite for opening the heart center completely and experiencing the profoundest level of clear light.

Dakini Female Deities Thangka represent
This subject of practice with a consort is open to great misinterpretation, especially by people who have made only superficial contact with Buddhist Tantra in thangka. Many Westerners, for instance, because they have seen Tibetan paintings and statues showing deities in embrace, have the mistaken notion that Tibetan Buddhism is mainly concerned with sexual contact between men and women. As was pointed out earlier, what this art is actually representing is the experience of total unity- of method and wisdom, bliss and emptiness-characteristic of the fully enlightened state.
Dakini Female Deities Thangka represent dakini in ordinary secual and tantric embrace?

There are vast differences between tantric embrace and ordinary sexual contact. How different these two are becomes clear when we remember that at the time of the completion stage the practitioner has dissolved the energy winds into his or her central channel, thereby experiencing the same mental and physical absorptions occurring at the time of death. Unless death like experiences have been entered into with full consciousness and control, it is a farce to talk about tantric embrace.
Dakini Female Deities Thangka who is the Yeshe Tsogyal as a Dakini?

Yeshe Tsogyal, who later concealed this as a Terma. This trema. This treasure was to be discovered at an appropriate time by one of the reincarnations of padmasambhava’s twenty-five disciples, Khyeu Chung Lotsawa. Kheyu Chung Lotsawa reincamated as Rigdzin Duddul Dorje, the grat revitalizer of the Katok Lineage and then later as the meditation master Terton Dudjom Lingpa. Dudjom Lingpa received the direct transmissions of the Throma Nakmo cycle through a series of visions of Machik Labdron, Saraha, padmapa Sangye and others. He kept the practice secret for some time before teaching it.
in the Dudjom Tersar tradition, the practice of Throma Nakmo contains the complete path of Vajrayana, From the Ngondro all the way throgh to the Dzogchen practices of Trekcho and Thodgal. The Throma Nakmo based practice of Chod removes obstacles both our short term hapiness and those hindering our ultimate enlightement. It carries extraordinary healing power and through the practice of Throma Bakgmo to get accumulate merit and wisdom in a vast and rapid way. Merely making a connection to Throma Nakmo practice brings great benefit and blessings and it is said that at least thirteen of Dudjom Lingpa’s disciples attained rainbow body through the practice of Throma Nakmo.
All Buddhist traditions have different practices for purifying negative karma. This means that when we have the problem of some negative karma, there is also a chance to purify it. we cannot simply say, “This is my karma; there is nothing to do.” so to cut our negative illusion and karma through Chod also of the way.
so finally we can say Dakini is one of the most important deities for tantric practice to control our negative mind. and how can we through out our negatives thought through this spiritual practice.